Sunday 19 June 2016

How to Make: The Refreshing Es Kopyor

Ramadhan is here, and now is the time for fasting. After fasting for a day, we tend to confuse what to do to break the fast. I usually break my fast with a glass of self made "Es Kopyor".

Es kopyor basically is Coconut with syrup. But, the coconut used to make Es Kopyor is different from Normal Coconut. Kopyor Coconut or Macapuno is resulted from genetic mutation which make the endosperm to be abnormal. The result is soft jelly-like coconut flesh. But because Kopyor Coconut is so rare and expensive, i substitute it with Agar Jelly. The result is still refreshing as original recipe using Kopyor. So how do you make it? Lets check below.

  1. 1 Sachet of Plain Agar Powder
  2. 1/2 sachet of Plain Jelly Powder
  3. 900 ml Coconut Milk
  4. Sugar
  5. Cocopandan Syru, or coconut syrup
  6. Big ice cube
Cara Memasak:
  • Put Agar powder and Jelly powder to the pot containing Coconut Milk. Stir it well and Cook until boil.
  • Prepare big ice cube in a big bowl.
  • After the Agar boil, put 1 tbsp and slowly pour it on Big ice cube. The temperature of ice cube will make agar to solidify. Do this until Agar in the pot empty.
  • Mix Cocopandan Syrup with water and sugar in a bowl.
  • Put agar jelly inside the syrup.
This is how do you make the refreshing Es Kopyor, if you have suggestion you can leave it in the comment section. Good luck trying.

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