Saturday 25 June 2016

How To Make Rawon Soup, The Black Beef Soup

Do you have some leftover beef meat after you make some steak? Or you just simply has some beef meat but can not decide how to cook it? Well i have a recommended recipe for you, It is called Rawon Soup. Rawon Soup is originated from Indonesia, East Java to be precised. It is a popular beef based soup, and quite unique. Because it has black appearance, hence people called it black soup. The black color is coming from black nut or simply called kluwek (Pangeum edule) as main seasoning.

Many restaurant in Indonesia usually sell rawon soup. The famous one is in the Surabaya, called Rawon Setan or Devil Rawon. The reason behind its name is because the restaurant that sold it open from midnight until dawn, or about 12.00 AM - 05.00 AM. It is said that the devil comes out around that hour, therefore because its opening hours it is called Rawon Setan. If you interested in How To Make Rawon Soup, The Black Beef Soup check our guide on how to make rawon.

  • Ingredients

  1. 500 g of Beef Meat, cut in cube shape
  2. 3 leafs of Lemon Grass, cut
  3. 2 leafs of Lime leaf
  4. 2 leafs of Indian bayleaf
  5. 3 cm of Blue Ginger
  6. Mung bean sprout
  7. Water
  8. Salt
  9. Sugar
  10. Vegetable oil

  • Seasoning Ingredients
  1. 5 cloves of Shallot
  2. 4 cloves of Garlic
  3. 4 Kluwek or Black Nut, use the seed only
  4. 2 leafs of Green Onion
  5. Ginger
  6. Turmeric
  7. Coriander
  8. 3 Candlenut
  9. Tamarine water
  10. Salt
How To Make:
  • Prepare the Ingredients, Clean the beef meat.
  • Boil water until it is boiling.
  • Add Lemon Grass, Blue Ginger, Lime leaf, and Indian bayleaf to the pot.
  • Add beef meat, cook until tender.
  • Grind All seasoning ingredients until smooth.
  • Put some vegetable oil in the pan, fry it until smells good.
  • Put the seasoning to the pot. Stir it and mix it well.
  • Add Salt and Sugar sufficiently.
  • Prepare it
The best way to serve rawon is with Rice and Shrimp Crackers. Do not add chili sauce to make it spicy, instead use ground chili to make it spicy. If you find difficulties to obtain the seasoning, you can visit Indonesian store in your country they usually have it. Good luck to try.  Bon appétit.

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