Monday 20 June 2016

5 Street Foods in East Java You May Never Meet

East Java is the east-most province in Java Island. Located in the east side of the island, east java has many beautiful destination to visit. From Sparkling Surabaya to Baluran Sabana, from beautiful and isolated Green bay beach in Meru Betiri to the famous Mount Mahameru they have their own unique.

But this post doesn't talk about those places, but about the street food in East Java. Many places in east java has their own unique street food like Tapai in Bondowoso, or Wingko Babat in Lamongan. Each foods has their own characteristic resembling the place they are come from. Check this list for more.

1. Tapai

There are two kind of tapai from black glutinous rice and from cassava. Each ingredients have their own characteristic. The cassava has yellowish appearance and sweet flavor and the rice has black appearance and sour flavor.

The cassava usually mixed with flour and deep fried. It's called "Tapai Goreng" and very famous in eastern East Java. Tapai Goreng usually served as snack in the gathering. The rice one usually ready for eat, or mixed with beverages. It can make your body warmer because it has little alcohol from the fermentation process. No matter which one do you choose they are all delicious.

Sometimes when you eat so many tapai you will get drunk from its alcohol. But it quiet rare especially for Cassava Tapai, so it not a concern. Just remember how much you ate, and everything will be allright.

2. Sate Telur

This is basically a satay from scrambled egg served with chili sauce. The process to make it is unique: you pour 1 tbsp of scrambled egg in high heat of oil and roll it up with stick.
Usually sold in front of elementary school so many kids in East Java know this food, and it become a symbol of childhood. Modern day it's quite rare to find this food but if you happen to see this food you must try it.

Do not forget to remove the oil first, because excess oil is not healthy for your heart.

3. Wingko Babat

Wingko is a cake made from glutinous rice, coconut, and sugar. It taste sweet and savory because the coconut. Wingko is round shaped and usually served hot, or wrapped in paper.
Commonly found in Babat, Lamongan. If you are on diet program i don't recommend you to eat this because it has high calories.

4. Pentol

Pentol is basically a smaller meatball. it made from fish or beef mixed with tapioca flour. It has chewy texture. Usually served with chili sauce or tomato sauce and paired with "gorengan" . Many people in East Java sold this, especially in cold region and tourism object and served hot from the pot. In some places, pentol also stuffed with egg, more meat or -quite rare- cheese. 

5. Gulali

Gulali is a candy, made entirely from sugar. It is elastic and sweet. Nowadays Gulali is very rare to be found. In the past people usually sold this with bonus toy in the elementary school. That's way Gulali also become a symbol of childhood along with sate telur. When you eat this, your mouth will become sticky, and that's the fun part. Because made entirely from sugar it is very sweet (you may get diabetes from eating this lol). It has cheap price, and become a favorite among children.

That's some of the street food, come visit Indonesian to find more unique street food. You may want to read about street food in Indonesia.

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