Wednesday 22 June 2016

Karapan Sapi, Intense Bull Race from Madura Island

Karapan Sapi, kind of bull race is a Tradition from Madura Island. It's held every year between August or September for qualification and September or October for the Finals. The race contestant consisted from 2 Bulls and a rider. The bulls pull a kind of wood train and the rider is standing on the train. The track is 100 m long and it's actually like a drag race, but with bulls.

The history of Karapan Sapi is to search the best bull for plowing field. Because Madura soil is less fertile than Java soil so more bull power is required for plowing the field. Nowadays Karapan Sapi is symbol of prestige and social standing in Madura People. Those who wants to enter the competition must train his bulls like athlete. It's a common way those bulls are given a 'Jamu', a kind of drink to increase their stamina and condition.

Karapan is held after Harvest moon of Tobacco or Rice. Karapan Sapi, besides a symbol of prestige also has a significant role in the economy of Madura Island. Tourist often visit madura Island to see a Karapan Sapi and Madura People gather to sell or buy something in Karapan.

The first stage of Karapan Sapi is paraded the pair of Bulls around the track with Madura Traditional Music, which named Saronen. First round is to determine the Group. There are two groups, loser and winner. Second round is to determine the winner of loser group, and Third round to determine the winner of winner group. Those who won will be given 'Piala Gubernur'. A medallion from government.

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