Monday 27 June 2016

How to Make Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese or Mac n Cheese is a dish originated from UK. Mac n cheese consisted of cooked elbow macaroni and cheese sauce, mainly cheddar. It is baked in the oven as casserole in traditional way. But you can make it using stove in a pan, resulting in Macaroni poured with cheese sauce. This dish is very popular in UK and USA. In USA it's also considered as comfy food, means that people eat this dish to relieve stress.

There is interesting story behind mac n cheese in USA. Thomas Jefferson first meet Macaroni in Paris and Northern Italy, then he drew a sketch about extrusion process and he ordered the machine to make Macaroni, and the machine turn out to be not compatible because Jefferson still imported it for usage in his house. Later he served a dish called "a pie called macaroni" at state dinner, and it was first introduced baked Mac n Cheese in USA.

Mac n Cheese is easy to make, the key of tasty mac n cheese is its sauce. Cheddar is very recommended because its strong flavor. If you interested you can scroll down below to read how to make Macaroni and Cheese.

  • Ingredients

  1. 500 g of Cooked Elbow Macaroni
  2. 60 g Butter 
  3. 2 Tbsp flour
  4. 500 ml of Full Cream Milk
  5. 250 g Grated Cheese
  6. Chopped Parsley
  7. Salt
  8. Pepper

  • Direction
  1. Melt the butter on the pan.
  2. Add flour, stir it for one minute in a medium heat. 
  3. Gradually add the milk, stir it until smooth. Stir gently until it almost reach its boiling point. After that reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Add grated cheese, stir it until the cheese melt
  5. Add salt and pepper
  6. Put Macaroni on Bowl, then pour the sauce. Add chopped parsley in top of it.
You can add sliced bacon or sausage if you prefer. Eat this while it is warm. And that's your homemade Mac n Cheese, easy right? Good luck to try and Bon Appetite 

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