Tuesday 28 June 2016

All About Comfort Food You Must Know

When i was searching on my web browser, i found about something interesting called comfort food. I never heard it before so i clicked the link and read the articles. Turn out that comfort food is a food that provides sentimental value or nostalgic to the consumer. It is often characterized by high calories content, simple preparations, and high carbohydrate measures. Comfort Food found across all cultures in the world, and may be different between one places or another.

The terms comfort food first began at 1966, When Palm Beach Post used in a story "Adult under severe emotional states, turn to food to be called comfort food -food associated with comfy of childhood like poached egg or chicken soup". Well that sounds crazy, how could adult with stress can be relieved by food? Well here is the study about it.

In the "Comfort Food: An Exploratory Journey into The Social and Emotional Significance of Food" Journal study divide the food into four categories, indulgence - nostalgic - convenience - physical comfort food with special emphasis on the deliberate selection of particular food to modify mood. or effect, and indications of medical therapy using comfort food may ultimately be mood alteration.

Some study also suggest that woman and man prefer different kind of comfort food. Man tend to choose warm, hearty, meal related comfort food (Like steak and soup) while woman tend to have more snack related comfort food (Like chocolate or ice cream) it is also reported that woman tend to eat unhealthier food than man during stress period, and developing weigh gain. Some research also suggest that woman tend to eat comfort food when stressed, while man tend to eat comfort food when happy.

Some country that has high stress people, tend to have higher obesity rates. Because of comfort food natures that has high carbohydrate and calories. In the USA is it a key of Epidemic Obesity in that country. Nowadays comfort food become one of medical therapeutic of Anorexia geriatric, whose its quality life has been greatly decreased so that comfort food can increases its quality life. 

In Indonesia, we also have our comfort food. Our comfort food is simple, easy to make or meet. If you wanna know here is some our comfort food:

  • Indomie Fried Noodle
Indomie has been famous in Indonesia for student who study abroad because it is cheap, easy to cook, and make our body full. While it is true that eating Indomie increases many health risk. No one can argue about Indomie being one of comfort food.
  • Bakso
Meatball has long become one of easily meet dish of country. It is sold by many people and it is easy to make. The warm of its broth will deliver mother protection around your body so you will feel better for yourself

  • Nasi Goreng
Fried rice is easily buy, almost all restaurant sold it or many merchant sold it on the street. It is cheap, warm, delicious dish and can make you think the warm of your home and childhood memories.

Since comfort food affected our psychological mind to make we think about childhood, i do not know if that food has same effect on people that has traumatic childhood - such as physically abuse by their parents. Well since the rest of the world does not have traumatic childhood,  i am sure that comfort food still the best way to relieve stress when you are stressed.

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