Tuesday 28 June 2016

All About Comfort Food You Must Know

When i was searching on my web browser, i found about something interesting called comfort food. I never heard it before so i clicked the link and read the articles. Turn out that comfort food is a food that provides sentimental value or nostalgic to the consumer. It is often characterized by high calories content, simple preparations, and high carbohydrate measures. Comfort Food found across all cultures in the world, and may be different between one places or another.

The terms comfort food first began at 1966, When Palm Beach Post used in a story "Adult under severe emotional states, turn to food to be called comfort food -food associated with comfy of childhood like poached egg or chicken soup". Well that sounds crazy, how could adult with stress can be relieved by food? Well here is the study about it.

In the "Comfort Food: An Exploratory Journey into The Social and Emotional Significance of Food" Journal study divide the food into four categories, indulgence - nostalgic - convenience - physical comfort food with special emphasis on the deliberate selection of particular food to modify mood. or effect, and indications of medical therapy using comfort food may ultimately be mood alteration.

Some study also suggest that woman and man prefer different kind of comfort food. Man tend to choose warm, hearty, meal related comfort food (Like steak and soup) while woman tend to have more snack related comfort food (Like chocolate or ice cream) it is also reported that woman tend to eat unhealthier food than man during stress period, and developing weigh gain. Some research also suggest that woman tend to eat comfort food when stressed, while man tend to eat comfort food when happy.

Some country that has high stress people, tend to have higher obesity rates. Because of comfort food natures that has high carbohydrate and calories. In the USA is it a key of Epidemic Obesity in that country. Nowadays comfort food become one of medical therapeutic of Anorexia geriatric, whose its quality life has been greatly decreased so that comfort food can increases its quality life. 

In Indonesia, we also have our comfort food. Our comfort food is simple, easy to make or meet. If you wanna know here is some our comfort food:

  • Indomie Fried Noodle
Indomie has been famous in Indonesia for student who study abroad because it is cheap, easy to cook, and make our body full. While it is true that eating Indomie increases many health risk. No one can argue about Indomie being one of comfort food.
  • Bakso
Meatball has long become one of easily meet dish of country. It is sold by many people and it is easy to make. The warm of its broth will deliver mother protection around your body so you will feel better for yourself

  • Nasi Goreng
Fried rice is easily buy, almost all restaurant sold it or many merchant sold it on the street. It is cheap, warm, delicious dish and can make you think the warm of your home and childhood memories.

Since comfort food affected our psychological mind to make we think about childhood, i do not know if that food has same effect on people that has traumatic childhood - such as physically abuse by their parents. Well since the rest of the world does not have traumatic childhood,  i am sure that comfort food still the best way to relieve stress when you are stressed.

5 Street Food of Indonesia

Indonesia is famous for its diversity. From Sabang in Aceh until Merauke in Papua Indonesia has many cultures, including foods. You will find many food differ by place of origins, and also the taste. For example, we in Central Java prefer to eat sweet food when we in the West Sumatra prefer its spicy. The result is Indonesian has many different food, including street food.

Street Food is a food ready to serve sold by vendor or merchant. Sometimes street food is considered a symbol of culture, hence people eat it to experience the ethnic cuisine Below is the list you can find street food of Indonesia. Lets check 5 street food of Indonesia.

1. Klepon

Klepon is one of traditional food of Indonesia. It is based from glutinous rice flour, stuffed with brown sugar, and boiled in hot water. Usually it has green color from the Pandan Leaf but sometimes you will find it white colored. Klepon is sweet in taste and served with grated coconut meat. You can find it around traditional market in Indonesia, and it is very cheap. It is priced for about Rp 7000.

Sometimes in Sumatra it is called Onde -Onde but in Java Onde - Onde is different snack, so do not forget to check if you are traveling to Sumatra or Java

2. Kerak Telor

Kerak telor is a snack from Jakarta. It is based from Egg and Glutinous Rice. It is commonly sold in public places and it is tasty. The way to make Kerak Telor is quiet unique: you mixed scrambled duck or chicken egg and mix it with glutinous rice and spread it around the pan on top of charcoal stove. The heat will make egg like a 'Kerak' and you served it with fried shallot, grated coconut and dried ebi. Usually served hot, be sure to not get burned.

3. Bubur Ayam

Bubur ayam or chicken porridge usually served as breakfast in Indonesia, but nowadays you can find Bubur Ayam merchant around public places. It is made by cooking rice with water until it get smooth and some chicken meat. After that you can add fried shallot, green onion, boiled egg or chicken broth as garnish. It taste delicious and always served hot. It is best paired with a cup of hot tea or coffee as drink.

Bubur ayam has many variation. Like in Sukabumi people add raw chicken egg inside the porridge to make the egg half cooked, in Tegal they use special chicken broth (yellow colored). But in spite of that there are things in common among those people, that Bubur Ayam is delicious and become one of favorite breakfast.

4. Rangin

Rangin is a cake made from coconut and rice flour, and dusted with sugar. It is sold mainly in traditional market but you can also find it in the public places. The way you make it is actually simple. You mix butter, rice flour, egg, coconut meat and coconut milk into one dough and baked it on top of stove. After it hardened you dusted it with sugar. The taste is sweet with a mix of savory.

The vendor of Rangin usually sold their stuff by shoulder, and walk around the places. It is shaped like Pukis but the taste is very different.

5. Onde - Onde

In Sumatra onde - onde is the same as klepon, but in Java it is different. Onde - Onde is a cake made from glutinous rice flour stuffed with mung bean paste or red bean paste, coated with sesame seeds on the outside and fried in oil. The most famous Onde - Onde come from Mojokerto, from vendor who sold it since 100 years ago. Originally from China, Onde - Onde was brought into Indonesia by Chinese People since Tang Dynasty.

In modern recipe you can find Onde Onde stuffed with chocolate or strawberry jam. Also you can find sometimes it is made from black glutinous rice. The one from black glutinous rice is more delicious among people.

When you visit Indonesia i recommend you to try these street food. Happy eating and traveling folks. You may also want to check 5 street food in East Java.

Monday 27 June 2016

How to Make Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese or Mac n Cheese is a dish originated from UK. Mac n cheese consisted of cooked elbow macaroni and cheese sauce, mainly cheddar. It is baked in the oven as casserole in traditional way. But you can make it using stove in a pan, resulting in Macaroni poured with cheese sauce. This dish is very popular in UK and USA. In USA it's also considered as comfy food, means that people eat this dish to relieve stress.

There is interesting story behind mac n cheese in USA. Thomas Jefferson first meet Macaroni in Paris and Northern Italy, then he drew a sketch about extrusion process and he ordered the machine to make Macaroni, and the machine turn out to be not compatible because Jefferson still imported it for usage in his house. Later he served a dish called "a pie called macaroni" at state dinner, and it was first introduced baked Mac n Cheese in USA.

Mac n Cheese is easy to make, the key of tasty mac n cheese is its sauce. Cheddar is very recommended because its strong flavor. If you interested you can scroll down below to read how to make Macaroni and Cheese.

  • Ingredients

  1. 500 g of Cooked Elbow Macaroni
  2. 60 g Butter 
  3. 2 Tbsp flour
  4. 500 ml of Full Cream Milk
  5. 250 g Grated Cheese
  6. Chopped Parsley
  7. Salt
  8. Pepper

  • Direction
  1. Melt the butter on the pan.
  2. Add flour, stir it for one minute in a medium heat. 
  3. Gradually add the milk, stir it until smooth. Stir gently until it almost reach its boiling point. After that reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Add grated cheese, stir it until the cheese melt
  5. Add salt and pepper
  6. Put Macaroni on Bowl, then pour the sauce. Add chopped parsley in top of it.
You can add sliced bacon or sausage if you prefer. Eat this while it is warm. And that's your homemade Mac n Cheese, easy right? Good luck to try and Bon Appetite 

Saturday 25 June 2016

How To Make Rawon Soup, The Black Beef Soup

Do you have some leftover beef meat after you make some steak? Or you just simply has some beef meat but can not decide how to cook it? Well i have a recommended recipe for you, It is called Rawon Soup. Rawon Soup is originated from Indonesia, East Java to be precised. It is a popular beef based soup, and quite unique. Because it has black appearance, hence people called it black soup. The black color is coming from black nut or simply called kluwek (Pangeum edule) as main seasoning.

Many restaurant in Indonesia usually sell rawon soup. The famous one is in the Surabaya, called Rawon Setan or Devil Rawon. The reason behind its name is because the restaurant that sold it open from midnight until dawn, or about 12.00 AM - 05.00 AM. It is said that the devil comes out around that hour, therefore because its opening hours it is called Rawon Setan. If you interested in How To Make Rawon Soup, The Black Beef Soup check our guide on how to make rawon.

  • Ingredients

  1. 500 g of Beef Meat, cut in cube shape
  2. 3 leafs of Lemon Grass, cut
  3. 2 leafs of Lime leaf
  4. 2 leafs of Indian bayleaf
  5. 3 cm of Blue Ginger
  6. Mung bean sprout
  7. Water
  8. Salt
  9. Sugar
  10. Vegetable oil

  • Seasoning Ingredients
  1. 5 cloves of Shallot
  2. 4 cloves of Garlic
  3. 4 Kluwek or Black Nut, use the seed only
  4. 2 leafs of Green Onion
  5. Ginger
  6. Turmeric
  7. Coriander
  8. 3 Candlenut
  9. Tamarine water
  10. Salt
How To Make:
  • Prepare the Ingredients, Clean the beef meat.
  • Boil water until it is boiling.
  • Add Lemon Grass, Blue Ginger, Lime leaf, and Indian bayleaf to the pot.
  • Add beef meat, cook until tender.
  • Grind All seasoning ingredients until smooth.
  • Put some vegetable oil in the pan, fry it until smells good.
  • Put the seasoning to the pot. Stir it and mix it well.
  • Add Salt and Sugar sufficiently.
  • Prepare it
The best way to serve rawon is with Rice and Shrimp Crackers. Do not add chili sauce to make it spicy, instead use ground chili to make it spicy. If you find difficulties to obtain the seasoning, you can visit Indonesian store in your country they usually have it. Good luck to try.  Bon appétit.

A Guideline About How To Make a Perfect Steak

Steak is a dish made from red meat and has become very famous in modern days. A red meat contains about 20 gram of protein for every 100 gram, thus become one of greatest protein source. Many people arguing about How to make a perfect steak. In fact, there is many factor to make a perfect steak. From meat cut to the doneness. Sometimes it's considered a bad way to cook your steak until well done. So how do you make a perfect steak? I will explain it in easiest way as possible.

First, you have to determine what cut do you want to use. Each cut has different characteristic from other cut. For example, the chuck cut is tend to tougher than any other cut because it is an active muscle (to move cow body). Basically, the more active a meat cut is, it will be tougher and contain less fat. So you cannot cook it in long time, or the meat will turn into stone. Against the active one, the dormant one usually contain high fat and you have to cook it longer to breakdown the fat. I belief most perfect cut is coming from tenderloin, T - Bone, Short loin. Those muscle is in medium terms, mean those muscle are not exercising very much yet still have enough activity to keep adequate fat. As you can see in image above those meat are coming from top back of the body, and usually those meat are expensive. Here is a peek between tenderloin and T - Bone.

  • Tenderloin is located right in the middle, between sirloin, short loin and round cut. Be sure to look for a good network of fat rolling through it. You can roast it or grilled it.

  • T-Bone is located in the front end of short loin. Make sure to check the meat, the good meat come with bright red color. One of the prized cut, and contain many strips. 
Second, choose what oil do you want to use. As Gordon Ramsay suggest to use groundnut oil because it has mild flavor and high tolerance of heat, it can stand very high temperature without getting burned. Never use butter for grilling, for butter doesn't tolerate a high temperature thus take longer time to cook the steak. You can use a knob of butter if you want to have a creamy finish. Before put the meat in, make sure the oil is hot enough. Cold oil will make your steak turn out greasy and under browned.

Third, pick your doneness. Meat doneness is classified in:

  • Blue, the rarest. Meat is still dark and just warm.
  • Rare, Dark red and has some juicy flowing, has spongy texture with little resistance 
  • Medium Rare, Pink in color, Juicy and soft in textures
  • Medium, Pink in the middle and brown in the outside. Feel firm.
  • Well Done, All is brown, has no juice and has hard textures.
Here is the guide on how to achieve the level of doneness for 2cm thick of steak.
  • Blue, 1 min of each sides
  • Rare, 1.5 min of each sides.
  • Medium Rare, 2 min of each sides.
  • Medium, 2.5 min of each sides.
  • Well Done, 4-5 min of each side
You can search infoghrapic about steak doneness in google and the images will tell you well.

Last, pair it with sauce or wine. And let's roll.

Friday 24 June 2016

How to Tell if A Fish Is Fresh or Not

Fish is now considered the most important protein source beside beef and poultry. It is plentiful, tasty, and cheap. You can make many dish based on Fish like, Fish n Chips, Fish Nugget, Fish Ball, or Grilled fish. In the Archipelago country like Indonesia or Philippines, fish sure become one of important commodity and primary protein source for it's people.

But sometimes when you go to market to buy fish, do you wonder how to tell if A fish is fresh or not? Do this fish is the right fish? Is this fish still fresh? Because the more fresh fish is, more healthy the nutrition inside is. Also fresher fish can be keep for longer duration. If you wonder how to tell the fish is fresh or not, Well then check our tips to tell if a fish is fresh or  not:

1. Check the gills

Fresh fish has a brighter gills than spoiled one. If the gills is red in color, bright, and not smell weird it is sign of fresh fish. The spoiled one may have red fish, but the red is pale, and tend to smell bad.

2. Check the eyes

The eyes of fresh fish is clear, stand out and convex shaped. If you find the eyes is pale, faint, or mucous do not buy the fish because it is already rotten not fresh anymore.

3. Check for mucus

Fresh fish has clear, shiny, clean mucus and smells fresh, like from ocean. The rotten one, however has pale, dirty, muddy mucus and smells nasty. If you find fish with mucus like milk, do not buy that because it is already spoiled.

4. Check the scale

Fresh fish has perfect scale, brighter and clearer in color. The rotten one however has bad scale and pale in color. Do not buy that fish.

5. Check the fin

If the fin is tender and easily broke, then it is sure a spoiled one. Buy fish that has strong and compact fin. The easiest way is to touch the fin. If it is broke when you touch it, do not buy  it.

6. Check for wound

Some method of catching fish can resulting wounded fish. It is fine however, but you must careful. Wounded fish is easily entered by parasite or bacteria and resulted the fish to easily get rotten. This fish is not recommended to keep for long period.

7. Check the Body

If you press body of fresh fish, the body will easily come back to the state before. However the rotten one has soft body and easily breakdown when you press it because it is already decomposed.

That is my tips. Happy  shopping guys and do not forget to check the fish whether it is fresh or not

Thursday 23 June 2016

6 Food You Must Eat When Visiting Surabaya

Surabaya, the biggest city in East Indonesia famous for Its shopping center that spread around the town. Surabaya has become one of favorite destination for shopping in Indonesia beside Jakarta. But is Surabaya only has Shopping center? How about other things in Surabaya? I have good news for you then. Well if you want to go in a culinary tour, maybe you will find interest in Surabaya. Surabaya has some famous delicacy to satisfy your appetite. Check my recommended list about Food in Surabaya you must to try.

1. Tahu Campur

Tahu Campur is food based on Tofu. Although originally from Lamongan, Tahu Campur is widely sold in Surabaya. This food is consisted from Mashed Potatoes, Fried Tofu, Mung bean sprout, Cassava, Lettuce, Noodle and Shrimp Crackers mixed with beef broth. Sometimes you will find Lentho, a food consisted of mung beans or read beans fried and Lontong Rice. It is better with 'Petis' , a sauce mad from shrimp. It is price for Rp 8000 - Rp 15000, or about $1.

2. Semanggi Surabaya

Semanggi is an aquatic plant easily find in Surabaya. Semanggi  is usually made into 'Pecel Semangi'. Pecel Semanggi is a food made from boiled Semanggi and Kangkong leaf, Rice cracker and Mung Bean Sprout served with peanut sauce on top. In the past you can easily find this food among street vendor, but nowadays is more difficult to find Semanggi. Semanggi is served in Banana Leaf and you used your cracker as spoon to eat. It is one of the cheapest food in Surabaya, about Rp. 5000 or 50 cent.

3. Lontong Balap

Lontong Balap is translated into Lontong rice Race. In the past the street mercant of Lontong Balap bring their goods by holding it with a stick like a scale, and run together. So they are like doing a race. It has become culinary symbol of Surabaya besides Semanggi. Made from chopped lontong rice, Lentho, Mung bean sprout, and Fried Tofu poured with mung bean broth. It will taste better if you add some 'Petis'. You can add scallop satay on top of it. Priced for Rp 8000, it is worth to try.

4. Tahu Tek Tek

Tahu Tek is food made from Lontong rice, fried tofu and boiled mung bean and poured with peanut sauce, sometimes you can find scrambled egg inside it. Use of 'Petis' in its peanut sauce made this food taste more delicious. Surabaya people usually eat it with 10-12 chili so it's taste very spicy. If you want to try and you don't like spicy food, dont forget to tell the merchant to use no chili or only a few. It's priced about Rp 10.000.

5. Rujak Cingur

Rujak Cingur is basically a salad. Instead using mayo as topping, it uses peanut sauce. It made from Lontong, mixed fruit (like raw mango, pineapple, kangkong, kedondong fruit), and fried tempe and fried tofu. It differs from other Rujak in the use of Cingur (cow nose) in it. Like tahu tek, Surabaya people like it spicy, so don't forget to tell the merchant. Priced about Rp 10.000. If you like to make it at home, check my recipe about this food.

6. Sate Klopo Ondomohen

Sate Klopo is a satay that mixed with grated coconut. It famous merchant is in Ondomohen, near the city hall. It is ate with lontong rice and peanut sauce. The satay is varying from chicken, shrimp, beef or even intestine. Priced about Rp 20.000 for 10 piece of satay.

As you can see, food in Surabaya mainly based from Lontong Rice and Peanut Sauce. I don't know why but it tasted delicious though. That is the list from me, maybe you are also interested in my list about street food in east java

Wednesday 22 June 2016

5 Most Popular Tourist Destination In East Java

East Java, the most eastern Province in Java Island, has many beautiful tourist attraction. If you plant to travel to Indonesian, especially East Java, you won't to miss this list. I have listed 5 most tourist favorite destination in East Java. Check it out below.

1. Taman Nasional Bromo, Tengger, Semeru.

Popular among mountain hiker, this national park is consisted from many mountains. But the most popular among them is Mount Mahameru or Semeru and Mount Bromo. Top of Mount Mahameru is the highest point in Java island with the height of 3676 M from sea level. Many tourist come to this mountain to go to the top of Mount Mahameru or to the crater of mount Bromo to see Kasada Ceremony. The best time to hike this mountain is around August because it's dry season around the time. Even this is a popular site for hiking, be careful though. Many tourist meet their end here because they don't listen to the guide. For you who up to challenge, you won't want to miss the chance to hike this mountain. 

2. Ijen Crater

Ijen crater is famous because its crater emits blue flame instead of red one. This mountain is relative easy to hike so for you pro hiker you won't see any difficulties to hike this mountain. Beware when you stand near the crater, because the sulfur is so irritating and you don't want to fall to the crater.

3. Pantai Plengkung or G-Spot

Pantai Plengkung is located in Banyuwangi, it's a famous place among surfer. Plengkung has big wave, sometimes it reach 6-7 m high, and consisted by 7 layer of waves. Some surfers named its wave seven giant waves wonder, from the 7 layer of waves. You can visit this island from Bali island using speedboat. But i recommend to visit this spot from Banyuwangi because using speedboat is more expensive.

4. Red Island Beach

Still in the Banyuwangi, Red Island Beach is named because it has reddish sand instead of white or black. In the middle of the sea you can see an Island. Inside the island you can find a temple. This beach is famous for it's scenery. It has long beach line so you can take a walk around the beach. Of course you can swim and sunbathing here. 

5. Taman Nasional Baluran

Baluran National Park has become one of the most famous destination in East Java recently. Located in the border of Situbondo and Banyuwangi, it has Africa Like scenery. The national park is consisted of Savana, altough you cannot find Elephant or Giraffe or Lion here, you can find Java Bull (Bos javanicus) and Java Leopard here. You can do jeep tour here and you will discover something interesting when you visit there.

That's all for the list, you may want to visit 5 beautiful hidden tourism spot in East Java.

Karapan Sapi, Intense Bull Race from Madura Island

Karapan Sapi, kind of bull race is a Tradition from Madura Island. It's held every year between August or September for qualification and September or October for the Finals. The race contestant consisted from 2 Bulls and a rider. The bulls pull a kind of wood train and the rider is standing on the train. The track is 100 m long and it's actually like a drag race, but with bulls.

The history of Karapan Sapi is to search the best bull for plowing field. Because Madura soil is less fertile than Java soil so more bull power is required for plowing the field. Nowadays Karapan Sapi is symbol of prestige and social standing in Madura People. Those who wants to enter the competition must train his bulls like athlete. It's a common way those bulls are given a 'Jamu', a kind of drink to increase their stamina and condition.

Karapan is held after Harvest moon of Tobacco or Rice. Karapan Sapi, besides a symbol of prestige also has a significant role in the economy of Madura Island. Tourist often visit madura Island to see a Karapan Sapi and Madura People gather to sell or buy something in Karapan.

The first stage of Karapan Sapi is paraded the pair of Bulls around the track with Madura Traditional Music, which named Saronen. First round is to determine the Group. There are two groups, loser and winner. Second round is to determine the winner of loser group, and Third round to determine the winner of winner group. Those who won will be given 'Piala Gubernur'. A medallion from government.

Kasada Ceremony of Tengger People, a Tribute to The God

Tengger tribe is a tribe who live on the Mount Bromo. Tengger tribe has many ceremony, for ceremony is a way of Tengger People to express gratitude, ask for protection or wealth to the god. one of The Ceremony is Kasada Ceremony.

Kasada Ceremony was held to commemorate sacrifice of Raden Kusuma, son of Jaka Seger and Lara Anteng. Beside that this ceremony is also used to express gratitude to the God. It's held at day 14 or 16 in Tenth month of Java Calender, at Fullmoon.

The story behind this ceremony said that once upon a time, Raden Kusuma sacrifices himself to the pit of Mount Bromo to prevent anger of the god to the Tengger People. Before throwing himself, Raden Kusuma made promise with his people to tribute every full moon in Tenth month in Java Calender, and thus Tengger People is saved by Raden Kusuma action. To commemorate the sacrifices, Kasada is held.

The ceremony is done by gathering all harvest or poultry as a tribute to te god which is held inside a place named Ongkek. After reaching bromo crater, all the tribute is thrown to the pit. This ceremony is also a graduation test for the new shaman of the villages. If the young shaman do wrong in the ceremony, then he fail to be new shaman.

There is step by step which must be done to do Kasada Ceremony, first is Sadya Kala Puja when Tengger People go to the bromo pit to prepare the tribute. Second is the elder speech and Sendratari show of Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger in the open stage Ngadisari Village. After midnight, the shaman is holding an Inauguration of new Shaman and ask for blessing of God to the Tengger People in Mountain Bromo sand field. But before inauguration the young shaman must be tested with reading a set of Prayer. After that Ongkek is thrown to the Pit of Bromo.

Kasodo Ceremony has become a symbol of Tengger People and become one of the famous tourist attraction in Indonesian. If you interested to show the ceremony. You can search the google about Java Calender and go the tenth month and plan a trip in that month. It's only held one a year..

5 Tourist Destination You May Not Know In East Java

East Java has many well known destination spot such as Mount Mahameru or Ijen Crater. But Have you ever known about this place? This Places is recently discovered and have stunningly beautiful view. If you plan to travel to East Java then you must visit this place, although most of the place is surrounded by forest or has difficult access but you will not regret visiting this places for this places offer natural beauty from mother of nature. Lets check the list below.

1. Pantai Teluk Hijau

Teluk Hijau or famously known as Green bay beach is located at Banyuwangi, 7 hours from Capital city of East Java Surabaya. It's located inside Meru Betiri National Park. It was named after its water, which tend to green colored. It has white sand. If you like to go camping you can camp near the beach, but beware of wildlife there. If you want to swim in the beach you can swim because the tide is not so big and there is a waterfall near Green Bay, you can take a bath after swimming in the beach there. You has to walk across forest of Meru Betiri to arrive to the beach. The journey is very difficult because its roads are slippery and tend to be muddy when it's rainy. But it was worth it.

2. Coban Sewu

Coban Sewu is a site of waterfalls, located in the border of Lumajang and Malang. Its name is translated to Thousand Waterfalls because it has many waterfalls in the site. Coban Sewu is very hard to reach because it's surrounded by forest and when it's rainy the waterfall tend to flood. But, it has amazing view. Just be careful to go there.

3. Pantai Klayar

Pantai Klayar is located in Pacitan, the most south-western District in East Java. You can find white sand, sphinx like big cliff (okay it's not like sphinx, just the size), and natural sea fountain which can 'sing' and sound like flute when it's hit by tide. The access to the beach is very difficult because it's not well known beach although the scenery is very beautiful. You cannot swim in this pleace because it has big cliff and big tide. I recommend to visit this beach in weekdays because it wont be crowded and feel like a private beach. 

4. Pantai Tiga Warna

Pantai Tiga Warna is translated to Three colored beach. It's named after its water which tend to change color according to the level of deep sea. You can go snorkeling here. To enter this beach is very difficult because it's limited only for 12 people, you must join with other people if your group isn't reach 12 people, and you must rent a guide tour to go to the beach for Rp 100.000 or about $10 for 12 people.  But you will see the unique once you get there and enjoy the beach. It has very clean environment.

5. Gili Labak

Gili Labak is an Island in the Sumenep district. To go there you have to use ferry. Gili labak is famous for snorkeling because it has beautiful reef below the sea. From Surabaya, you must go to the Madura Island, then to the Kangean Island, and using ferry you go to the Gili Labak. Gili Labak is like Gili Trawangan in Lombok, except it' cheaper, more isolated, and more hard to reach but the beauty of the island is promising. I recommend you to take one of local people who can speak English as guide tour. Because many people there doesn't speak english.

How to Make: Chicken Cordon Bleu

Cordon Bleu is a dish of meat wrapped around cheese, then breaded and deep fried. Traditional cordon bleu used veal for the meat, but modern day you can try other meat such as chicken, or pork. Cordon bleu is translation for "Blue Ribbon". You may be asking "Wait I don't see any blue color in the dish so why it named after that color?". According to Larousse Gastronomique, cordon blue is originally wide blue ribbon worn by member of highest order of knighthood, L'Ordre des chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, instituted by Henri III of France in 1578. Because of that cordon bleu become symbol of high standard, thus Chicken Cordon Bleu is a dish from chicken made from very high standard and outstanding skills.

The first use of cheese in Cordon Bleu is first documented in Swiss, probably about the 1940's. The earliest references of Chicken Cordon Bleu is from New York Time in 1967. So how do you make it? Check below.

  1. Vegetable oil or Olive oil for frying
  2. A cup of Flour
  3. 6 Boneless Chicken Breast
  4. 3 Eggs, lightly beaten
  5. 6 Very Thin sliced Smoked Ham
  6. Bread Crumbs
  7. Lorraine Swiss Cheese or Cheddar Cheese, Cut  into chunks
  • Preheat pan and add Vegetable oil or Olive oil
  • Flatten chicken breast with mallet, add a slices of ham and one chunk of cheese. Wrap it around and seal it with toothpick.
  • Batter it to flour, then to egg, then to breadcrumb
  • Fry it in medium heat until golden colored
  • Serve it.
That's how you make it, if you find difficulties about how to make it feel free to contact me. Good luck making Chicken Cordon Bleu.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Papuma Beach, The Hidden Paradise

Papuma Beach, acronym for Pasir Putih Malikan is a beach located in the Jember, East Java. Papuma quickly become favorite tourism object in Jember. Unlike other beach in Jember, Papuma has white colored sand while the other beaches are black colored. Papuma is surrounded by forest. Sometimes you can find monkey from the forest looking for food in the beach. Papuma is bordered by the Watangan Mountain in the north and Watu Ulo beach in the west. In the south is Hindi Ocean, that's why the tide of Papuma is big and dangerous. In fact you aren't allowed to swimming in the beach when it is high tide.

way to papuma from Jember

There is 2 way to get to Papuma, first is from Watu Ulo beach. Because this beach is located in different sub district, you must pay to enter (about 11000 rupiah or 1 dollar). It is the easiest way to enter Papuma beach. The second is from south of Watangan Mountain, you drive for 3 Km across the mountain. In dry season it's a nice way to get to Papuma since it has beautiful scenery, but in rainy season you must beware about landslide.

After you arrived you can enjoy the scenery of beach and forest. It's like killing two birds with one stone, you want to go to beach but you also go to the forest. On the spot there is merchant who sells grilled fish fresh from the sea. Because it's bordered by Hindi Ocean, you can go fishing here. Some fish like Yellowfin Tuna or Black Marlin can found if you fishing in the sea. But beware the rock around you.

You may want to visit it around August - November, it's not high season that time so the beach will be quiet and feel like a private beach. If you visit in August you may see Jember Fashion Carnival, the biggest Fashion Carnival in Indonesian as a Bonus.

Monday 20 June 2016

5 Street Foods in East Java You May Never Meet

East Java is the east-most province in Java Island. Located in the east side of the island, east java has many beautiful destination to visit. From Sparkling Surabaya to Baluran Sabana, from beautiful and isolated Green bay beach in Meru Betiri to the famous Mount Mahameru they have their own unique.

But this post doesn't talk about those places, but about the street food in East Java. Many places in east java has their own unique street food like Tapai in Bondowoso, or Wingko Babat in Lamongan. Each foods has their own characteristic resembling the place they are come from. Check this list for more.

1. Tapai

There are two kind of tapai from black glutinous rice and from cassava. Each ingredients have their own characteristic. The cassava has yellowish appearance and sweet flavor and the rice has black appearance and sour flavor.

The cassava usually mixed with flour and deep fried. It's called "Tapai Goreng" and very famous in eastern East Java. Tapai Goreng usually served as snack in the gathering. The rice one usually ready for eat, or mixed with beverages. It can make your body warmer because it has little alcohol from the fermentation process. No matter which one do you choose they are all delicious.

Sometimes when you eat so many tapai you will get drunk from its alcohol. But it quiet rare especially for Cassava Tapai, so it not a concern. Just remember how much you ate, and everything will be allright.

2. Sate Telur

This is basically a satay from scrambled egg served with chili sauce. The process to make it is unique: you pour 1 tbsp of scrambled egg in high heat of oil and roll it up with stick.
Usually sold in front of elementary school so many kids in East Java know this food, and it become a symbol of childhood. Modern day it's quite rare to find this food but if you happen to see this food you must try it.

Do not forget to remove the oil first, because excess oil is not healthy for your heart.

3. Wingko Babat

Wingko is a cake made from glutinous rice, coconut, and sugar. It taste sweet and savory because the coconut. Wingko is round shaped and usually served hot, or wrapped in paper.
Commonly found in Babat, Lamongan. If you are on diet program i don't recommend you to eat this because it has high calories.

4. Pentol

Pentol is basically a smaller meatball. it made from fish or beef mixed with tapioca flour. It has chewy texture. Usually served with chili sauce or tomato sauce and paired with "gorengan" . Many people in East Java sold this, especially in cold region and tourism object and served hot from the pot. In some places, pentol also stuffed with egg, more meat or -quite rare- cheese. 

5. Gulali

Gulali is a candy, made entirely from sugar. It is elastic and sweet. Nowadays Gulali is very rare to be found. In the past people usually sold this with bonus toy in the elementary school. That's way Gulali also become a symbol of childhood along with sate telur. When you eat this, your mouth will become sticky, and that's the fun part. Because made entirely from sugar it is very sweet (you may get diabetes from eating this lol). It has cheap price, and become a favorite among children.

That's some of the street food, come visit Indonesian to find more unique street food. You may want to read about street food in Indonesia.

Sunday 19 June 2016

How to Make: Cheezy Chicken Nugget

Chicken nugget is one of chicken based meal. Popular in any places in the world. It is made from either meat slurry or chicken breasts cut to shape, breaded or battered, then deep-fried or bakedIt was first invented by Robert C Baker in 1950, a food science professor at Cornell University.

In Indonesian chicken nugget is served with rice (our love to rice is like your love to sex, we cant live without it :p). I tried this recipe before and i think it does taste good. I add some mozzarella cheese and it taste perfect, kind taste like pizza actually. If you want to try it at home here is the recipe.


  • 500gr Ground Chicken Meat
  • 2 Carrots (Cut small)
  • Cornstarch
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Egg
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Oil for fry
  • Mozza cheese
1. Mix 2 Tbsp corn starch with Ground Chicken Meat
2. Add an egg, salt, and pepper. Mix it well.
3. Pour the mixed dough to the pan. Steam it half cooked.
4. Prepare the batter:
    - Add egg in bowl 1
    - add breadcrumb in bowl 2
5. Add the dough. Use your hand to make a small, round dough. Add cheese inside small dough.
6. Batter it with egg and breadcrumb.
7. Deep fry it until the colour turned golden yellow.
8. Ready to be served

Do not forget to steam it half cooked. A fully cooked steamed dough will make the dough get hard and you will find difficulties to shape and fill it with cheese.

How to Make: Rujak Cingur Suroboyo (Cow Nose Salad)

Rujak cingur is one of Traditional food of East Java especially Surabaya. Rujak cingur is like Salad, but you add "cingur" (Nose of a cow) and peanut sauce on them. Usually, Its use the fruits and the veggies like pineapple, mango, or cucumber. In other place you can find Ambarella being used. Like many other places in Asian they use rice for condiment, in this case A lontong or ketupat. This food is a favorite among East Java People and they will add many chili because they like it spicy. If you are Interested in how to make Rujak Cingur we will guide you step by step to make Rujak Cingur.

  • 300 gr cingur ( cow nose )
  • 60 gr boiled Kangkong 
  • 60 gr fried Tempe
  • 60 gr boiled mung bean sprouts
  • 60 gr fried tofu ( cut in cubic shape )
  • 100 gr boiled long bean ( cut it )
  • A Cucumber ( cut it )
  • 60 gr raw mango (cut in cubic shape )
  • A Lontong
Ingredients for Peanut Sauce :
  • 2 tbsp Shrimp Petis
  • a handfull of Chili
  • 2 tbsp fried peanut
  • 1 tbsp tamarind
  • 1/2 tbsp shrimp paste (fried)
  • A raw banana
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Add all sauce ingredients to a pestle and mortar. Grind it until it becomes a fine paste
  • Add all ingredients to a plate
  • Add the sauce
  • Serve it
Remember to clean the Cingur first and boil it. Raw Cingur is very dirty and you can get diarrhea from eating it. Enjoy your meal.

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