Wednesday 22 June 2016

5 Most Popular Tourist Destination In East Java

East Java, the most eastern Province in Java Island, has many beautiful tourist attraction. If you plant to travel to Indonesian, especially East Java, you won't to miss this list. I have listed 5 most tourist favorite destination in East Java. Check it out below.

1. Taman Nasional Bromo, Tengger, Semeru.

Popular among mountain hiker, this national park is consisted from many mountains. But the most popular among them is Mount Mahameru or Semeru and Mount Bromo. Top of Mount Mahameru is the highest point in Java island with the height of 3676 M from sea level. Many tourist come to this mountain to go to the top of Mount Mahameru or to the crater of mount Bromo to see Kasada Ceremony. The best time to hike this mountain is around August because it's dry season around the time. Even this is a popular site for hiking, be careful though. Many tourist meet their end here because they don't listen to the guide. For you who up to challenge, you won't want to miss the chance to hike this mountain. 

2. Ijen Crater

Ijen crater is famous because its crater emits blue flame instead of red one. This mountain is relative easy to hike so for you pro hiker you won't see any difficulties to hike this mountain. Beware when you stand near the crater, because the sulfur is so irritating and you don't want to fall to the crater.

3. Pantai Plengkung or G-Spot

Pantai Plengkung is located in Banyuwangi, it's a famous place among surfer. Plengkung has big wave, sometimes it reach 6-7 m high, and consisted by 7 layer of waves. Some surfers named its wave seven giant waves wonder, from the 7 layer of waves. You can visit this island from Bali island using speedboat. But i recommend to visit this spot from Banyuwangi because using speedboat is more expensive.

4. Red Island Beach

Still in the Banyuwangi, Red Island Beach is named because it has reddish sand instead of white or black. In the middle of the sea you can see an Island. Inside the island you can find a temple. This beach is famous for it's scenery. It has long beach line so you can take a walk around the beach. Of course you can swim and sunbathing here. 

5. Taman Nasional Baluran

Baluran National Park has become one of the most famous destination in East Java recently. Located in the border of Situbondo and Banyuwangi, it has Africa Like scenery. The national park is consisted of Savana, altough you cannot find Elephant or Giraffe or Lion here, you can find Java Bull (Bos javanicus) and Java Leopard here. You can do jeep tour here and you will discover something interesting when you visit there.

That's all for the list, you may want to visit 5 beautiful hidden tourism spot in East Java.

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